Let’s bake a Swedish snack cake! It is easy to prepare and looks very festive on the table.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
Who doesn’t know cabbage and meat pie? It seems to be the simplest recipe, but how delicious and satisfying it is. Every housewife has her own recipe for making a pie, her own recipe for making dough. I myself have at least seven recipes for this pie with different dough, and all go with a bang. This pie will appeal to lovers of cabbage and meat, it will not leave anyone indifferent – neither relatives nor guests. The main thing is a good mood and do not keep bad thoughts in your head, and everything will work out for you.
This salad comes from student times, when all the recipes were written down in a special notebook (I think this is familiar to many). There is no notebook for a long time, and the salad still pleases with its taste. It’s fresh, light and doesn’t bother you at all. With all the simplicity of preparation and composition in the pomegranate season, this salad always takes its place on our festive table.
A very tasty salad, and the ingredients are minimal. Based on what was in the refrigerator for the New Year, it turned out very tasty, although initially there were doubts about the compatibility of crab sticks with chicken. I will show you how to cook one portion of salad, and you will increase the rate yourself, depending on the number of guests.