The end result is not a classic honey cake, but it is very worthy of attention. You don’t need to turn on the oven, it’s done once or twice, a couple of hours in the refrigerator and a great dessert on your table.
Biscuit Roll “Tornado” Recipe
|This roll was invented by a Japanese pastry chef a year and a half ago. Since then, the recipe has undergone many changes, this option seemed to me the simplest – quick and easy to execute, but believe me, the roll turned out to be no less tasty and beautiful. You can use any cream – whipped cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, in general – a lot of room for imagination!
Chocolate and Coffee Dessert Recipe
|Curd and Coffee Dessert Recipe
|Cottage cheese dessert is a delicious and healthy treat for children and adults. Cottage cheese is perfectly combined with any fruit, berries, and cocoa. Cooking dessert is easy and simple. It only takes time to solidify in the refrigerator. The delicate structure of the dessert with a pleasant coffee aroma will delight you with its taste on a Sunny summer day.
Chocolate Ice Cream with Caramel Recipe
|Panna Cotta “Moccachino” Recipe
|Rolls with Chocolate Filling Recipe
|The rolls are just wonderful-the dough is tender, soft and thin. But I was particularly surprised by the cream. I think that this is the best chocolate filling for this kind of rolls, bagels and puff pies of all that I have tried. It is prepared elementary, does not spread, has a beautiful, rich chocolate taste. Great treat!
Whipped Coffee-Tiramisu Recipe
|Recipe based on Dalgona coffee, known as whipped multi-layer coffee. By the way, something resembling Greek coffee FRAPPE. This version is made from regular instant coffee in granules, but is rich in tiramisu flavors and served with crunchy savoyardi. I love multi-layered coffee drinks – and this one has as many as 5! We really like it, try it and you!