Recipes of dough products are so widely known that without them it is impossible to imagine either modern or traditional cooking. Recipes for flour products are diverse and incredibly popular, we can make pies and cookies, pancakes, donuts, dumplings and, of course, bread from this.
Flour is not only wheat flour, which is most familiar to us. There is buckwheat flour, corn, rice, barley, as well as soy, pea and even bone. A variety of flour dishes have accompanied mankind since time immemorial. Every nation has many traditional recipes for dishes with flour of different types and grinding. Unleavened tortillas, lush loaves, cakes and pastries, noodles, pasta – all these are flour products.
Spectacular, bright, multi-colored plyatsok looks like a cake. And cooking it is much easier and faster. The ornate pattern on the biscuit like a flowing fabric with a catchy pattern on a Gypsy shawl, attracts attention and makes the dessert truly festive. In the classic common version, cottage cheese is used for souffle. In this recipe, I replaced them with fat cream. The souffle turned out to be lighter, tender and homogeneous.
Once, on a Sunny day, on the Internet I saw a very beautiful serving of the second dish and immediately wanted to cook this beauty. I searched for a long time for a suitable recipe and eventually made a mix of three. The guests came just familiar with the family and the dish was liked by all ages that asked for supplements. I really hope that it will please you as well.
I suggest a recipe for a hearty lunch or dinner. Often the chicken in its various forms you want to change to some delicious and relatively quick to prepare dish, this recipe is just one of these. Delicious, satisfying, flavorful and creamy!
These tortillas are just a lifesaver. And instead of pies, and instead of bread. Prepare quickly ( well, as I love the same). The filling can be of course and another.
I suggest baking dessert bread. Fragrant from bananas, with sweet splashes of dates and raisins. Bread is great for tea/coffee, Breakfast cereals and sandwiches with butter, jam, cheese or cottage cheese. Cook with inspiration, please the people dear to Your heart.
Old, good dessert from available products. I liked this serving with custard and surprisingly my men asked for cream additives, so it is not for nothing that I tried it. Shape diameter-24 cm Height-3 cm.
This roll was invented by a Japanese pastry chef a year and a half ago. Since then, the recipe has undergone many changes, this option seemed to me the simplest – quick and easy to execute, but believe me, the roll turned out to be no less tasty and beautiful. You can use any cream – whipped cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, in general – a lot of room for imagination!