Chicken liver pancakes should definitely be tried by everyone who loves delicious and healthy dishes. A great alternative to liver pies. I hope you like them!

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
Yes, yes, a great and terrible burger, or rather, this is its healthy alternative. Easy to perform, useful to use! Meat-free, cutlet based on white beans. And beans, as you know, are rich in proteins, vitamins and fiber. In general, this is a new preference for Americans who have embarked on a healthy path of proper nutrition and lifestyle.
Amazingly delicious pancakes, very similar in taste to those that could previously be ordered in the cafe “Shokoladnitsa”. I do not know if they are on the menu now, but it is unlikely that their quality has remained the same. I recently found a recipe for these pancakes on the Internet. It turns out that this dessert is easy to make at home!
This is my favorite snack on the festive table. The secret is in spinach. This does not give the pancakes a special taste, but it gives the pancakes an interesting color and, most importantly, an extraordinary softness and lightness. Well, in combination with red fish and cheese – you’ll lick your fingers)
This snack appears on the table almost instantly (and disappears from it just as quickly). The pancakes themselves can be baked in advance, packed in an airtight container and stored in the refrigerator for several days. Before serving, they will only need to be decorated with slices of fish or red caviar.