The benefits of red beans for the body are due to the huge content of antioxidants, thiamine, tryptophan, valuable amino acids, a large amount of protein – 8 g per 100 g of the product. Beans saturate, slow down the aging process, serve as a source of useful vegetable protein, which is why nutritionists recommend including red beans in the diet of people of retirement age and from time to time replace it with meat and fish.
After I had heard enough delicious stories about overseas treats during my foreign trips, this salad was born. Very tasty, spring-like, bright! A kind of union of Europe and Asia. For a quick preparation, even more intense taste and aroma, I discovered a mixture of bulgur with mushrooms and spices from Mistral. It tastes better than just bulgur, believe me!
I suggest you try a salad based on a salad mix (a mixture of small-leaved salads) with the addition of shrimp, avocado, which has a unique creamy taste, olives and tomato slices. And all this is seasoned with a wonderful hot sauce.
The recipe for this wine was extracted from a magazine published by a supermarket chain. The dish turns out to be 2 in 1: both hot and with a side dish. Helps out when there is not enough time for a long culinary creativity. The name of something fascinating is Osso Bucco! It turns out a soft and tender turkey under fragrant vegetables. The wine gives the dish a special pleasant aftertaste. The colors of my language palette are not enough to accurately describe this. Potatoes in wine are combined with this turkey.
Yes… If it’s cold in Greece, then I can imagine how cold it is here! I suggest you warm up on a cold winter evening with this fragrant hot mulled wine. I made a soft drink for myself, and splashed some brandy for my husband and added pink pepper to the mug. Well, let’s drink it together with an unusually delicious cake, or what?! Come visit and find out for yourself!
As with many vegetable salads, it’s all about the dressing. How can cabbage and cucumber surprise us? And the combination of vegetables with boiled beef is not news. But the filling can give an element of novelty, a feeling of freshness and uniqueness.
A delicate, fragile shell with an almond note in the fruit filling, which is prepared and infused long before baking, are English pies. The English like to laugh at their cuisine, but the answer of true connoisseurs of it is: “It’s much better than the fame of it.” I suggest you familiarize yourself with an example of Christmas baking, which many people know and cook, but these wonderful pies attracted attention and liked their “piece-by-piece”. it turns out a tender, crumbly and not sweet dough. In this test, the taste of the filling of fruits and spices is very pronounced. They are not reflected!!! A wonderful gift for your loved ones for Christmas and New Year!
Stuffed eggs can be with a variety of fillings, one of our favorites is with herring, potatoes and apple. The snack turns out very tasty and flies away instantly.