Salad with Black Rice and Broccoli Recipe


Black rice is not a common food item. This has nothing to do with a well-known cereal. This is a very useful product, especially on fasting days. Unlike conventional crops, black rice contains a large amount of nutrients. One hundred grams of the product contains about 20 grams of protein and almost a daily norm of folic acid. This is several times more than in any other form. This product will replace animal protein in the post.

Salad “Bottom of the Sea” Recipe


Delicious and beautiful, light and hearty – the most suitable salad in the New Year’s menu. Minus the recipe, I must say, in any salad there are basic products – potatoes, rice or vegetables, in this salad couscous is the most profitable and delicious. Mixed with caviar, it is almost unrecognizable, but it goes very well with fish.

Salad with Smoked Mackerel Recipe


An elegant and delicious salad that will never be superfluous on the New Year’s table. You can spread the salad in layers, watering each layer with dressing, you can mix everything in a large salad bowl. The layered version of the salad is preferable, it allows you to taste each ingredient, but it’s a matter of taste. Prepare it, you won’t regret it.

Salad with Beef Recipe


Imagine a very tasty, light salad! The main thing is to boil the beef and defrost the broccoli.. We cook it for every New Year, and everyone eats this salad with pleasure – even those who don’t like broccoli! Come in, cook with pleasure and treat your family!