Collapsible Pie with Cabbage and Meat Recipe


Who doesn’t know cabbage and meat pie? It seems to be the simplest recipe, but how delicious and satisfying it is. Every housewife has her own recipe for making a pie, her own recipe for making dough. I myself have at least seven recipes for this pie with different dough, and all go with a bang. This pie will appeal to lovers of cabbage and meat, it will not leave anyone indifferent – neither relatives nor guests. The main thing is a good mood and do not keep bad thoughts in your head, and everything will work out for you.

Meat Sticks Based on Kibbeh Recipe


New Year is not only New Year’s Eve, but also long holidays when it is necessary to feed our household. I want to offer you a delicious, simple and quite interesting meat dish. It is prepared on the basis of the famous oriental dish called Kibbe. It’s usually made from lean lamb, but we’re going to cook it from pork, so for obvious reasons.

Cutlets “Mouses” Recipe


New Year is a family holiday. And there are always children at the festive table. And they are, as you know, fastidious and terrible conservatives! But they are great connoisseurs of beauty and are always happy to have brightly and cheerfully decorated dishes. Even the simplest! Prepare juicy tender cutlets and turn them into mice! Try on the role of a fairy! And there will be no whims at the table!

Pork with Apples Recipe


I am sharing with you a very tasty, juicy, fragrant homemade pork. Cooking takes a little time, just like regular meat. But it takes longer to cook, but the result is worth it. I specify the time – without taking into account the time for pickling.

Roast Pork with Oranges Recipe


I offer you delicious pork meat in a wonderful, fragrant marinade. Orange is not only a bright and fragrant fruit, but also an excellent addition to meat, especially pork. The meat turns out to be very tasty, tender, it is impossible to break away from it. It is advisable to take citrus fruits with sourness. I specify the cooking time without pickling.