Of course, I couldn’t resist and prepared this infusion not only from cherries, but also separately from apricots, and from a mixture of all the fruits that I found in the refrigerator. All liqueurs were successful. In the recipe, specify the ingredients for one serving.
An easy-to-prepare cocktail for gatherings with friends. Lingonberry liqueur – make it today, and it will be ready just in time for the New Year holidays.
When I tasted this liqueur, I realized that it was just a divine drink. On sale now it appears very rarely, and I decided to find a recipe and cook it myself.
Ask me not to throw away the sneakers right away, as it was in the variants where I also used beer. I must say, it’s not a ruff and it’s not even worth it. The taste is soft and velvety, with the aroma of chocolate and a taste of coffee. It has a slight bitterness, alcohol is still present.
If you like to chat with friends by inviting them to visit, prepare this ladies’ liqueur for them. I assure you, my friends will be happy and, of course, will ask for the recipe. PS: Cognac is well stored at home until the next berry season!
Mussels have been harvested on the coast for thousands of years. In the menu of the small coastal restaurants of Tessalonika you can find numerous dishes of mussels… This dish is consonant with Spanish paella, but, nevertheless, it is original and unique!
I love chocolate liqueurs (well, sometimes, of course)! Recently I looked at one bottle with ingredients, and there are 6 different additives! I came to the conclusion that it would be better to do it myself, especially since it’s very simple! It turns out a creamy chocolate taste! Chewy and moderately sweet. Degrees that you can adjust yourself!