Potato Balls in Sauce Recipe


Potatoes must be on the menu! We cook it almost every day! After all, how many recipes of good cooking with it are known! And the dishes in our family are simply amazing! Friends, I will offer an unusual option! All children will appreciate it perfectly! And adults should understand us too! We will roll balls in the sauce!

Italian Courgettes with Mozzarella Recipe


I saw the recipe for cooking these zucchini on the Italian cuisine website, but I changed it a little in the ingredients. In the original, tomatoes are taken in their own juice, mozzarella cheese in balls, marjoram is a sprig of fresh. Try this wonderful dish, especially since it’s the season of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Tortilla with Filling Recipe


Tortilla (tortilla) (Spanish tortilla — “small tortilla”, abbreviated. from cakes — thin tortillas made of corn or wheat flour, eaten mainly in Mexico, Central America and the United States. In Mexico, tortillas are one of the national dishes. (Wikipedia) Mexican cuisine is known to abound in spicy food. I hardly eat spicy food, unless there is very, very little of it. I want a pie with a delicious filling. I will share with you the recipe for the filling, which I cook myself. Let’s say it’s so tender, but very tasty.