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Egg, Cheese and Bacon Sandwich Recipe
Scrambled eggs and a cheese sandwich are the most familiar breakfast for any of us. It would seem, well, what can you come up with new? Try my version and, I assure you, it will become the most favorite! In addition, this hot breakfast breaks all speed records, because it will be ready in just 1 minute!
  1. At the bun, cut off the lid, select the pulp, leaving the walls.
    At the bun, cut off the lid, select the pulp, leaving the walls.
  2. The bottom and walls of the bun should be laid with strips of bacon or ham.
    The bottom and walls of the bun should be laid with strips of bacon or ham.
  3. Beat in the egg, season with salt and pepper. Make sure that the whole egg fits into the bun and there are no protein streaks (it can explode).
    Beat in the egg, season with salt and pepper. Make sure that the whole egg fits into the bun and there are no protein streaks (it can explode).
  4. Sprinkle with grated cheese (preferably low-melting, I have "Scamortsa"), cover the bun with the top and bake in the microwave for 45 seconds, power 800 Watts, then the egg will turn out "in a bag" - the protein will grab, and the yolk will be creamy.
    Sprinkle with grated cheese (preferably low-melting, I have "Scamortsa"), cover the bun with the top and bake in the microwave for 45 seconds, power 800 Watts, then the egg will turn out "in a bag" - the protein will grab, and the yolk will be creamy.
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