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Warm Salad with Mushrooms and Potatoes Recipe
Warm salad with arugula, mushrooms and fried potatoes. Autumn is the time for mushrooms and potatoes. I offer you a simple and delicious salad made from these ingredients)
Cook Time 35 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
  1. Wash and peel the mushrooms and potatoes. Wash the greens and wet them with a napkin.
    Wash and peel the mushrooms and potatoes. Wash the greens and wet them with a napkin.
  2. Cut the potatoes into slices and fry in olive oil with a sprig of rosemary. Add salt and pepper to taste. To make the potatoes more crispy, fill them with cold water for 30-60 minutes, so that the starch goes into the water. The older the potatoes, the less you need to soak.
    Cut the potatoes into slices and fry in olive oil with a sprig of rosemary. Add salt and pepper to taste. To make the potatoes more crispy, fill them with cold water for 30-60 minutes, so that the starch goes into the water. The older the potatoes, the less you need to soak.
  3. Mushrooms cut into slices and fry. Season with balsamic vinegar in a separate bowl.
    Mushrooms cut into slices and fry. Season with balsamic vinegar in a separate bowl.
  4. Place the arugula on a platter, top with the fried potatoes and mushrooms. Season with pesto sauce.
    Place the arugula on a platter, top with the fried potatoes and mushrooms. Season with pesto sauce.
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