Every nation has bread recipes. The recipe is about the same everywhere and is based on flour and water. This is the simplest recipe: knead flour with water – and bake bread. Flour can be different. The most popular is wheat flour, but also bread is baked from rye flour, corn flour or wheat–rye bread is baked. To make the bread lush, the dough can be fermented. Yeast is most often used for this. Bread without yeast is more difficult to prepare, but it is considered more useful.
Yeast-free bread can be prepared in two ways: using sourdough or using carbonated water. The method of using sourdough is old and more time-consuming. The starter is made from sprouted wheat grains or from hops. In addition, you can make bread using ayran or beer.
Bread can contain various ingredients, from seeds and dried fruits, to eggs and meat. Wheat bread, white, rye, black, Borodino, French, Italian, sweet, custard, bread in an egg, bread with cheese and many other options are popular – all kinds cannot be counted. If you are planning to bake lean bread, the recipe should not contain eggs and animal fats.
Rye bread is loved by many. Homemade rye bread with a crispy brown crust smells especially delicious. That’s why so many people want to know how to bake this option. Cook rye bread at home once, and it will make you forget about the bread section in the supermarket.
The recipe for bread at home always leaves room for your imagination in terms of additional ingredients. Add nuts, dried fruits, spices and spices to the dough to suit your taste. Baking can take place in an oven or a special bread maker. Of course, there are some subtleties that will help you learn how to bake bread in the oven correctly. Firstly, successful baking largely depends on your oven, of course. The bread dough should stand for 10 to 15 hours in a warm place. Bread is baked in the oven at 180-250 C degrees. In an hour and a half, the baking will be completed. And it’s really easy to bake bread in a bread maker. This will not cause you any difficulties and will save you a lot of time.
These fragrant buns with herbs and garlic will successfully replace bread for you. There are situations when bread runs out. You can bake, but it will take time. Or you are in the country, there is no oven, only a frying pan (that’s why I called baking rustic bread, here’s a way to quickly cook delicious bread for kebabs, salad, borscht, etc. Very rich. You can also wrap any filling.
I also found the recipe for this wonderful bread on a Chinese culinary website, the name of which in the original recipe is “ultra-soft potato bread”. I know that there are many recipes for potato bread on the site, but when I baked this bread, I decided that it was necessary to share with you a recipe for such a delicious and airy bread with a pattern. I hope you will accept this option.
There are recipes for bread without kneading on the site, but this recipe is still different. Well, it’s a very, very lazy recipe, and the result is simply amazing! The bread turns out to be very crispy and with a very porous crumb, and how delicious it is, especially warm! Try to cook.
It was with this bread that my baby ate a sandwich with butter for the first time, although attempts to offer him such a sandwich have already been repeatedly. The bread is very worthy of attention, completely uncomplicated and delicious!!!
When I saw this recipe, I immediately realized that it would become a favorite in my family. The aroma of parmesan and Italian herbs… It’s as catchy as Italian songs. Original and, at the same time, simple modeling.
The fastest bread! From the concept to the ruddy loaves about 1 hour, where your participation will be limited to a few minutes. No need to get your hands dirty, wander around for a day, knead, wait for a rise, create heat. Just mix everything with a spoon and send it to a cold oven. Try it and you will love this bread forever!
For a long time, this recipe was in my queue for cooking, for some reason it was postponed. But X-Day came, and I baked it. Tender and nostrils crumb, crispy crust, seeds – we liked everything! And this is very important – do not knead anything – just mixed the ingredients, put them in a mold and put them in the refrigerator overnight, in the morning took out the mold – in the oven – turned on the oven and after 40 minutes bread is on the table! Try it?
Eating this bread is a pleasure! Cooking it is just a pleasure! The combination of colors, smells, tastes, shapes, textures is simply bliss for the cook. As a result, you get a real treasure box (when YOU cut it out yourself, you will understand what I mean). Do you think it’s hard to cook? Nothing like that!!! It’s very simple, try it, and you’ll get even better than me. By the way, this bread will be a great gift to your friends and family. Let’s surprise them.
Have you ever baked bread before?!? Then immediately go do it or take a note for the New Year’s weekend. Moreover, the recipe is so simple, only two, three, you don’t even need to knead! And what a fragrance will fill your home……how happy your loved ones will be……and everyone will be happy with such a gift!
Recently we were in an Italian restaurant where we were served salad in such unusual cups. And at the other table, two people are eating soup from this plate. Well, when we tried them, we were stunned. And my hairdresser is exactly the same Italian. So I learned this recipe from him. We have already prepared it several times. Always went with a bang.