If you have pork ribs in the refrigerator and you are going on a weekend picnic with friends, then delicious grilled meat is provided for you. In order for you to enjoy the full program, I suggest you do a little preliminary training at home.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
Why do we marinate barbecue meat? Personally, I have two reasons – to make the cooked meat soft, very tasty and tender and to discover new tastes and get fresh impressions (well, I am very curious by nature). They do not like acidic components in the marinade, such as vinegar, lemon juice (the acids contained in the marinade components change the structure of meat and destroy connective tissue cells), so they are always on the lookout for new components. Well, why not try the Coca-Cola marinade?!
I bought fresh chilled ribs three weeks ago, in the morning. By the evening it turned out that no one would eat them that day! He must have been frozen. Today I decided to cook them. I was afraid it would be too harsh, especially since I marinated for only 30 minutes! But it turned out just fabulous!! Soft, tender, juicy! I suggest you try this wonderful recipe!
I suggest you cook a delicious and hearty lunch for the whole family. Juicy and melting in the mouth ribs in an interesting sauce with potatoes on the side. Here, for sure, no one can remain indifferent, especially the strong half. Love this sauce, marinate chicken, meat and even potatoes before baking, but not only for marinating, but also for serving the dish on the table. I usually added grated apple to the sauce, but you can take ready-made applesauce. Hot pepper can be replaced with paprika, if you like it sweeter. After cooking, the sauce is perfectly stored in the refrigerator.