It is believed that the preparation of the first dishes by man began with the appearance of dishes that allow cooking products in it. Over time, human knowledge and skills developed, cooking developed, the first dishes became more complex and sophisticated. Today, the recipes of the first dishes amaze with their diversity. The most popular, perhaps, are still the first meat dishes. They, as they say, are for every taste. These are the first dishes of chicken, the first dishes of beef, the first dishes of pork, the first dishes of lamb. For those who do not like the first dishes of meat, recipes suggest using fish, mushrooms, various vegetables. Special first courses for children have also been invented: they are usually dietary or sweet.
A woman who knows how to cook delicious first courses can always count on the favor of a man, because it is impossible to resist the aroma of soup! That is why we have collected the most delicious recipes of the first courses on our website. It should be noted that if you decide to cook the first dishes, recipes with photos will be especially useful to you.
Light and delicious soup, without any difficulties. There are so many new interesting soups that I completely forgot about my husband’s favorite soup: pea soup. And today this error has been fixed. Very tasty soup!
The basis of the broth is boiled and smoked pork ribs, I do not recognize any other pea soup in principle). The soup turns out to be very thick, in principle, for both the first and the second.
Cheese soup with green peas and herbs from Hohland. Cheese soup is a kind of first course, the main ingredient of which is cheese: processed – ideal for instant soups, cheddar, Dutch, etc. is also suitable for the rest.
Cheese cream soup with garlic shrimp from Hochland. This cheese soup is very easy to prepare, and the taste is something unusual (for me, of course). If you like fish and seafood, you should like this delicate and fragrant soup. It is best to serve garlic croutons with this soup.
If you decide to diversify the first dishes on your dining table – this recipe is just for you! It combines the unique aroma of mushrooms and tender processed cheese, which gives it a creamy consistency and creamy taste. Mushroom soup with cheese from Hohland.
Soup, of course, is not the most popular, but it can help out in times of crisis as “axe soup”, because a handful of cereals, onions and potatoes can be found in every house. My grandmother cooked it, and I forgot about it for many years.
This dish is from the Zaporozhye Cossacks, and maybe from the Hungarian porridge from millet keles, definitely – it is hearty and delicious. The main components of kulesh are cereals and lard, it is prepared even from the white part of the river cattail. The porridge should be thick so that “grain by grain did not run with a stick.”
Kulesh is a very satisfying dish, it is both the first and the second. So you can please everyone by cooking it. And with a pumpkin, it’s also elegant, and on a chilly autumn day it will warm you up.