Pancakes are fast, delicious, everyone loves them, yes, everyone – not everyone admits, but everyone has their favorite option. I suggest you please your loved ones and bake pancakes for breakfast… Thin and with lots of holes, they say, this is the best indicator of the skill of cooking pancakes.
Very tasty bread that you eat and can’t stop. Crispy crust, tender crumb, creamy taste, and how layered it is! Double your bid at once, you won’t regret it!
I propose to bake a very tasty, delicate chocolate-nut cookies in chocolate glaze with waffle crumbs. This cookie is suitable for both a family tea party and a festive table.
A delicate, fragile shell with an almond note in the fruit filling, which is prepared and infused long before baking, are English pies. The English like to laugh at their cuisine, but the answer of true connoisseurs of it is: “It’s much better than the fame of it.” I suggest you familiarize yourself with an example of Christmas baking, which many people know and cook, but these wonderful pies attracted attention and liked their “piece-by-piece”. it turns out a tender, crumbly and not sweet dough. In this test, the taste of the filling of fruits and spices is very pronounced. They are not reflected!!! A wonderful gift for your loved ones for Christmas and New Year!
Chilled Bavarian coffee is not even coffee, but a coffee dessert. But you can serve it as a drink. It is prepared simply and very harmoniously to the taste!
New Year’s holidays are not only a festive table, candles and treats. This also includes gatherings with friends, visits and, of course, breakfast with family. It is for such breakfasts that I suggest you prepare this tender and delicious casserole. Something similar was prepared by my grandmother when I was with her on New Year’s holidays. Of course, there was no cottage cheese then, but there was cottage cheese and sour cream. This option is very similar to the one that was in childhood.
Custard cranberry sauce is able to give the dish a unique, bright and special taste. This sauce goes well with cheesecakes, pancakes, pancakes, etc. and it is prepared very simply and very quickly.