Lean “Strudel” with Oranges Recipe


Would you like a quick dessert for tea? There are a lot of options for “lazy strudel” from lavash! Today I have such a filling, and instead of pita bread – tortilla. Immediately from the oven it turns out crispy, but lying under the lid, it will be soft and soaked – very tasty!

Buckwheat Gratin with Nuts and Dried Fruits Recipe


Gratin is a French casserole that can be made from anything. It is mainly found in potatoes, meat, fish with sauce and cheese. But this dish is more suitable for dinner. I offer you a delicious, hearty dish for breakfast. Instead of the usual porridge cooked with milk. So they call it muesli, but it’s not even muesli… take a look and try it yourself.

Lean Brownies with Currants Recipe


Our love for brownies began with this recipe. Once during Lent, I cooked them according to a recipe found on the Internet. Since then, I have been baking regularly and not only in the post. Fortunately, frozen berries are available at any time of the year. The recipe does not use nuts, bananas, dates, beets. It turns out something brown with a moist middle. The use of a currant mixture is not necessary. I baked it with black and red currants and blueberries. It turns out very tasty.