Cottage Cheese Filling Casserole Recipe


New Year’s holidays are not only a festive table, candles and treats. This also includes gatherings with friends, visits and, of course, breakfast with family. It is for such breakfasts that I suggest you prepare this tender and delicious casserole. Something similar was prepared by my grandmother when I was with her on New Year’s holidays. Of course, there was no cottage cheese then, but there was cottage cheese and sour cream. This option is very similar to the one that was in childhood.

Chocolate Butter Recipe


Chocolate butter spread on a loaf will take you back to your childhood… Morning, breakfast, bread, butter, tea and running to school… Cooking in oil is very simple and fast! And with homemade bread – just the perfect couple!

Toast Rolls with Apples and Jam Recipe


During the pleasant bustle before the celebration of the New Year, you often forget about desserts. I suggest you, dear cooks, prepare this simple dough. What we are going to cook with you today can hardly be called baking, in general, look at the recipe page and you will understand everything for yourself.

Bread for Toast Recipe


Light in all respects toast bread, pleasing with its airy crumb and taste! Useful for fasting. The main thing is that the bread should be without preservatives and stored for 3-4 days in the bread box, and wrapped in food wrap – almost a month in the refrigerator. I wrote this just in case, because we ate it in one sitting with meat bread for toast!