Belgian Waffles Recipe


Lush, soft, with vanilla flavor. In Brussels, they are sold at every turn, with fervor-with heat, you can tell by the smell where they are baked. Try to cook it at home, the whole family will enjoy the smell and taste of these waffles.

Cheese-Curd Chops with Crab Sticks Recipe


Why super economy? Yes, because these bits will save not only your budget, but also your precious time! Their preparation takes a maximum of 20 minutes!!! And it’s insanely tender, delicious!!! Crab sticks are not felt absolutely, i.e. there is no taste of fish, meatballs are more like meat, but very juicy and soft. And a side dish of spring salad! Come on, help yourself!!!

Potato Chops with Cheese and Herbs Recipe


There are many recipes for potato chops. This is definitely not found, and I’m preparing it this way. I cook very rarely, but according to this recipe it turns out even tastier and more beloved. There are a few small nuances that make these meatballs incredibly delicious. By the way, such a chop can be offered for a hearty breakfast, for example, on weekends. Or a full dinner, even without gravy, it turns out very tasty.