Separate nutrition is the direction according to which all products are classified according to their digestibility in the body. Product compatibility tables are now publicly available, they are easy and understandable, but still many of us want specifics, for example, to make a separate food menu for every day, which at first is not so easy. Having read enough of all kinds of specialized literature on this issue, having found out everything about the combinations of products of a particular category, not everyone and not immediately succeeds in applying the knowledge gained in practice. In order to save your personal time, we have created a thematic collection in which you will find recipes for separate meals for every taste.
Examples Of Separate Meals
It is impossible to eat protein and carbohydrate products at the same time, i.e. meat and fish are not consumed at the same time with bread, cereals, potatoes.
Beans, potatoes, bread and other carbohydrate products cannot be combined with acidic foods — lemon, sauerkraut, because an alkaline, not acidic environment is necessary for the digestion of carbohydrate products.
You can not eat fats with proteins (cream, sour cream, vegetable oil with meat and eggs) in one go.
You can not combine sugar and starch.
Of course, you should follow some more simple and logical rules!
It is desirable that fresh vegetables and fruits make up more than half of the daily diet.
You need to learn to distinguish between hunger and appetite, and start eating only when you feel hungry.
Get used to eating slowly, chewing food well, especially when eating raw vegetable products, in order to prevent stomach disorders.
Well, it is necessary, of course, to give up alcohol, smoking, spicy spices, salt, sugar, vinegar.
Stop drinking liquid 10 minutes before meals and resume at least half an hour after eating fruit, two hours after starchy food and 4 hours after protein. To quench thirst, you need to use only clean water and do not drink during meals — this dilutes the gastric juice.
Milk is best consumed separately. Milk fat delays the release of gastric juice, this product is absorbed not in the stomach, but in the duodenum, so the stomach does not react with its secretion to the presence of milk, which interferes with the assimilation of food.
It is better to cook bread yourself, and in the future abandon it and pasta. It is desirable to minimize the presence of sugar and all complex carbohydrates.
Dip is a kind of thick sauce that is not seasoned or watered with food, but on the contrary, products are dipped in dip sauce. The name “dip” comes from the English dip-to dip, to dip. (Wikipedia) Today I made a sauce for breakfast and will use it in a different way, which means that I will spread it on rye bread toast, pre-smeared with cottage cheese cream cheese. You could call it something else: sauce, vegetable paste; spread… This is your wish. It’s delicious and healthy!
A fairly simple recipe for cooking baked carp. I want to say that it is not necessary to smear the carp with a large amount of seasonings and stuff it with cereals or vegetables – this we clog the taste of the fish itself. Garnish and sauce can be prepared separately and served with fish if desired.
Well, finally I managed to get to the pilaf “without meat”. Yes, and the post is also in the yard, so everything came together and …, in general, Marat Abdullayev’s story about pilaf with quince came in very handy. And he always writes beautifully and deliciously, and even the weather in the yard is spring, all these factors contributed to this.
Tender, velvety, sweet pumpkin and cheese puree soup, crispy, spicy, fragrant. After frying, the cheese acquires such a sharp taste and aroma of smoked meats, smoke. It’s a great duet. Try.
I offer a simple soup in which all the ingredients make up a unique symphony of flavors that you will definitely appreciate. Cook this soup whenever you want to try something new.
Hummus is a simple dish made from chickpeas. It is very popular in the Middle East and Asia. But there is one “BUT”. They cook for quite a long time, and it is not always possible to find chickpeas on sale. I suggest replacing the main component and speeding up the process. Instead of chickpeas, we take beans, and the beans are already ready, in cans.
This soup is perfect in any form, both hot and cold. In the second case, pour lemon juice over it. Rich taste, bright color and ease of preparation make this dish really worthy of attention.
Vegetable soup is always delicious and healthy. The composition can be changed depending on the season, but it will be even more saturated and satisfying if you add beans to it.