Lean Brownies in the Microwave Recipe


Having tried this dish for the first time, I just fell in love with it! Judge for yourself: firstly, lean, and in lean sometimes you want something sweet and delicious to someone; secondly, a minimum of ingredients and dirty dishes; thirdly, light – does not contain a drop of fat; fourth, it is literally prepared in 10 minutes; and finally, – these are real cakes! Moderately moist, elastic, fragrant, chocolate, with a light fruity aftertaste. And literally out of nothing! You can also add nuts, but they seemed superfluous to me in such a delicate airy baking.

Broccoli in Garlic Sauce Recipe


I love this salad and have always ordered it in Chinese restaurants, but then I thought: why not cook it myself?… I searched the Internet, borrowed a little from different sites and brought for myself the perfect preparation of this outrageously simple, but insanely delicious warm salad. By the way, even frozen broccoli does not lose its usefulness! If the percentage of vitamin loss in other vegetables during freezing is about 50%, then broccoli loses only 10%. Therefore, it can be easily eaten all year round!