Sweet Curd Buns “Flowers” Recipe


Sweet cottage cheese buns “Flowers” – amazing baking! It is very tasty, tender, soft, airy, with hints of orange. Its secret is simple-dough based on cottage cheese. This pastry is perfect not only for traditional coffee or tea, which we are all so used to, but also for lemonade, cocoa, mors, juice.

Dessert “Stony Road” Recipe


Australian chocolate dessert “Rocky road” is very delicious and very beautiful. It was invented in the 19th century by local merchants-entrepreneurs who carried various sweets and treats between cities. On the way, very often the sweets lost their marketable appearance and here they realized to mix and combine them with melted chocolate. Then the dessert was cut and sold on the way to everyone. Curiously, in Australia, the UK and the US, the composition of the dessert differs. For example, in the US they put marshmallows and almonds, in Australia-pistachios, coconut, nougat, marmalade, and in the UK they like cookies and raisins. Naturally, the dessert looks more spectacular and appetizing if it is collected from multi-colored components. Red dried cherries or strawberries, green pistachios, colorful candied fruits or marmalade, cookies-feel free to combine everything and let it be delicious!