Meat Sauce “Kim” Recipe


The Greek equivalent of the Italian bolognese sauce, Kim sauce, is very popular in Greek families. Its quick and easy cooking, affordable products and amazing taste are what a busy modern woman and a man who loves to cook need today. I will immediately make a reservation that my recipe does not claim to be a classic original and is made taking into account the taste and desire of my loved ones. During the step-by-step description, I will try to explain this in more detail.

Rolls with Mushrooms Recipe


Recipe from the series “fast, delicious, beautiful”. I offer you snack rolls made of ready-made puff pastry with mushrooms, tomatoes and parmesan. These rolls can be made from wild mushrooms that you have prepared this fall. You can replace the cheese and take another one, your favorite, just so that it is of good quality and melts well. Get ready!