Appetizer “A La terrine” Recipe


Such appetizers on the menu are served to almost every festive table. Everyone loves them. Both men and women like it. Delicate, spicy, slightly spicy. It is convenient that they are prepared before the holiday, by night they only become tastier. They look festive and bright on the table.

Terrine “Golden Fleece” Recipe


Our filling gets a bright golden color, thanks to the pumpkin… after all, it gives any dish a rich sunny shade and a piquant, sweet taste, enriching it with a lot of useful substances and allowing us in any… even the rainiest and darkest autumn day to see the real sun on your table. Terrine, which has a delicate and unusual taste, is quite suitable for both a festive table and a quiet family dinner. Spicy sweetness of pumpkin, juicy tenderness of turkey, fried mushrooms… in a cloud of spices and light beer.

Curd Cheese with Carrots and Onions Recipe


Delicious cottage cheese. It can be used as a butter substitute for breakfast sandwiches and snacks. I added carrots and green onions. It turned out to be a great snack. Carotene is useful for beautiful skin and hair, calcium is for strengthening bones. But instead of buying expensive vitamin complexes at the pharmacy, it’s better to go to the refrigerator. Every housewife will have carrots and cheese.