Creamy Vegetable Soup with Brussels Sprouts Recipe


Based on Belgian soup with a Russian touch. Brussels sprouts are unique in their nutritional and healing properties. We prepare various dishes with it in the fall. Today I will offer you a very healthy and delicious soup made from it and vegetables, including turnips. If you don’t have turnips, it doesn’t matter, replace them with potatoes.

Vegetables with Minced Meat and Rice in a Pan Recipe


I don’t even know what to call this dish. The cooking technology is similar to “Lazy cabbage rolls”, only instead of cabbage, bell pepper. You can say that this is a vegetable stew with minced meat and rice. But whatever you call it, it’s delicious, beautiful, healthy, flavorful, perfect for a family lunch or dinner.

Coffee Chili on Texas Style Recipe


Autumn is a great time of year, but the cold is slowly creeping up, and with them you want something satisfying. I found This recipe on a German website, thank you very much to the author. The composition may seem strange-cocoa, beer, coffee? The result, however, is a very sharp, dark, thick chili that appeared in Texas (and they know how to cook chili!) In 1999, as the winner of the “State championship in Chile”.