Eclairs with Custard Recipe


Such delicious, simple pastries will delight you and your loved ones on cold January evenings. It is prepared simply and quickly. If someone doubts whether to bake or not to bake, do it boldly. I want to say a few words about this wonderful dessert. Once upon a time I baked eclairs, then somehow the recipe was forgotten, lost, like many other equally excellent desserts that can be prepared both on holidays and on weekdays. I’ve looked at a lot of recipes on the internet and on websites. I’ve baked eclairs three times in the last week. And all three times I came to the conclusion that these recipes do not suit me at all, the dough is too liquid, the temperature does not match, the proportions are too complex, it is not necessary to measure grams and milligrams in such a simple baking. So we need to change the proportions! I decided to act as my intuition tells me, but it’s still worth sticking to some nuances in the recipe. If you have never baked this dessert, take it boldly. Everything is outrageously simple and surprisingly fast.

Chocolate Custard Recipe


Hello everybody!!! I want to share a recipe for my favorite chocolate custard. It is prepared from the most common products that are always in the kitchen. This cream is prepared without heavy cream and cream cheese. It is very versatile, suitable for layering cakes, filling cakes and tubes. Lovers of chocolate desserts will definitely appreciate a custard cake filled with this cream. Join us!!!

Pumpkin Patch Recipe


I offer you a recipe for a delicious pumpkin pie. It’s tender, juicy, just melts in your mouth. In the Balkans, a pie called pumpkin pie or bundleware (from the word Bundela – pumpkin) is popular. You can cook it with both Filo dough and pita bread, I will show you both options, who does not know, will not even distinguish where with what.

Canapes “Assorted” Recipe


No matter how much you cook these little canapes, they will still not be enough. Over the New Year holidays, I have prepared more than 500 of them. All sorts of things. And guests come and go every other day. Will you have time? And how they helped us. They were prepared for the male half under the white.