A very tasty salad for lovers of meat and mint. Iceberg salad, fragrant, tender meat and mint sauce. Lamb meat can be safely replaced with veal or even chicken.
Usually pastrami is made from chicken or turkey breast. There are wonderful recipes for this poultry dish on the website. But I want to assure you that the pork tenderloin pastrami turns out no worse. And maybe even tastier! Soft, fragrant and very juicy.
Carrots in Korean are familiar and loved by many. The first to disappear from the festive tables. And the addition of pickled cucumber will make this salad even more piquant, interesting to taste. PS: I’ll make a reservation, it has an indirect relation to Korean cuisine, but in Russia they associate it with snacks, this is the most “Korean” salad.
There are many recipes for cooking this dish. I suggest one of the time-consuming options, where we will not ignore all the subtleties of its preparation.
Very rich in taste and aroma salad in Chinese style. The salad is balanced in the presence of vitamins and minerals, which is very important in spring.
Tomatoes according to this recipe turn out just great! The proportions of spices are perfectly matched to create a wonderful taste and aroma of the dish!