Tomato Soup with Cheese and Bacon Recipe


The first tomato soup appeared in Europe about two hundred and fifty years ago, and since then it has enjoyed constant popularity both among Europeans and among residents of some other continents, for example, among Asians. Delicious, hearty and rich, this soup just can not help but like it! And in combination with fried bacon and cream cheese, which helps to make its taste much more delicate and original, this soup will become a real favorite! And, by the way, you can even put it on a festive table-guests will definitely appreciate it, and even ask for a recipe!

Terrine of Chicken with Mushrooms Recipe


Sometimes the difference between everyday and festive dishes is in the little things. Add a little zest to the minced chicken, make whole mushrooms the property of decoration and that’s it! You can serve it for any celebration or for breakfast, after it. Provided he stays.