A simple but unusual recipe for sweet pancakes. I’m a big fan of making pancakes. This process fascinates me and… calms me down. Come in, like-minded people! Critics: existing recipes have been tested, no analogues have been found.

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
Lean burger with lentil cutlet and guacamole. During the fast, it is especially important to add more vegetable protein to your diet. One of the leaders in its content is lentils. This is a great product, you can cook a lot of different dishes from it. For example, today I want to offer you to try lentil cutlets. And to make the dish more satisfying and interesting, I suggest using these cutlets in an unusual lean burger. As a side dish for lentils, I chose one of my favorite sauces – guacamole. This refreshes the dish and makes it juicy. I added potatoes to the lentil cutlets for better stickiness and curry to give the flavor and taste of the East. All this combined led to a very tasty lean burger!
Good food is good. And tasty and healthy is generally fine. Prepare a delicious casserole with chicken liver, broccoli and cheese and find out how delicious vitamins can be. The combination of broccoli, chicken liver, cheese and sour cream is incredibly tasty and healthy. I can recommend this dish for breakfast. Casserole will give vigor and strength for the whole day. In addition, it is simple and quick to prepare.
The dish is very fast and easy to prepare and, despite this, it turns out surprisingly tasty! A simple plain chicken is transformed beyond recognition under this garlic-ginger sauce, and even with curry! The tastes are simply amazing! In combination with buckwheat – just delicious! I can’t even believe that such a great dish can become a lunch or dinner in just 20 minutes!