Our potatoes are the most delicious! Do you want to know why? Watch as we cook it over the fire. For her, we took delicious brisket, fragrant mushrooms, selected potatoes, onions and garlic. Do you already smell this fragrance? Easy, fast and delicious!
Tender Turkey meat under a potato coat with sour cream and cheese, baked in the oven – this is a simple and delicious dish that can be served for lunch or dinner both at home and in nature.
A very simple salad of the usual set of vegetables – potatoes, carrots and onions, but with the addition of herbs, spicy coriander, arugula and coriander seeds!
Chicken legs marinated in soy sauce and balsamic, stewed with eggplant and seasonal vegetables for dinner completely without oil. After a working day, you can easily handle this dish and have a great dinner!
On the Internet I found a recipe for these cutlets. Adjusted the recipe to your taste. This recipe I share with you, dear cooks. I never thought that such an easy-to-prepare dish would be so delicious. Cutlets, when serving, can be poured with melted butter or prepare any sauce to your taste. But in my opinion, the mushroom sauce is suitable here.
Delicious dish on coals of Turkey and new potatoes! It doesn’t require special devices, as it may seem at first glance. You can cook anywhere – just a grill, heat-resistant frying pan, cauldron or mold. No pre-pickling, take it and cook with your favorite spices and ingredients. In my recipe, everything is prepared simply and quickly. If desired, you can add other vegetables – carrots, zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, etc.
I want to share with you a recipe and show you how to make a potato roll in the oven. It turns out juicy due to the meat filling and tender due to the potato dough. Try to cook! If you do not eat meat, then you can add an equally delicious filling to this roll, which may consist of hard-boiled eggs, grated cheese and chopped herbs. But it will be a different story…