Cake “Meat Fantasy” Recipe


The taste of the cake turned out great. The appearance is decent. This dish can be served as a hot or cold appetizer. It turned out delicious, satisfying and very fragrant. And besides, the aroma of tangerines, which are part of the dish, is a very New Year’s fragrance.

Mashed Potatoes with Mayonnaise Recipe


If your desktop book is a collection of recipes and you follow it as the letter of the law, then it’s better not to go into this recipe, you can experience a shock for life. But if you are an ordinary person and you happen to have no milk at home, and you want mashed potatoes, then at such a moment, perhaps this recipe will help you out.

Salad with Baked Potatoes and Chicken Recipe


Salad of Italian cuisine. I saw the recipe on the Internet. I changed it a bit for myself. Instead of smoked chicken and fresh boiled green peas, I took boiled chicken breast and canned green peas. Very tasty and satisfying, beautiful. It can be consumed as an independent dish, for example: for dinner. For this salad, I will bake an Italian tortilla focaccia with dried tomatoes and fragrant herbs. The perfect couple!