When the last autumn BlackBerry berry was left on the Bush… Collapsible pie-curls with blackberries from yeast dough on whey! Very tasty, lush with a whole berry inside)

Best Food Recipes 2023 Step by Step with Pictures
A truly summer, refreshing cold soup on kefir with a rich vegetable composition, the delicate color of summer greens. The main additives are not mixed together with the dressing, they are served separately -everyone can “assemble” their own plate of soup according to their taste preferences. The soup is very light and in composition. And most importantly, without fuss, around the stove, on a hot summer day.
I discovered a new recipe, I liked the pancakes, I really liked them. It’s been baked several times. But the process of kneading the dough was new to me, hence the name. Usually in dry flour pour liquid products, here on the contrary, and I have never added alcohol before. I am happy to share the recipe. Treat.
I already wrote of one great user that okroshka is what breaks all my brakes. Ready to eat it in liters. With what any. I tried it on the serum recently, after I learned how to cook homemade cottage cheese. There are a lot of benefits and nutrients in it. The taste is very spicy and fresh. Perfect for the morning after a raucous party.
This ice cream contains a relatively high amount of protein. Protein is important for many aspects of your health, including blood vessel function, immune health, and tissue repair. It also plays a Central role in building muscle mass, so to optimize results after training, it is usually recommended to consume a good source of protein. Research shows that whey protein can stimulate muscle growth, weight loss, and muscle recovery after exercise.