Futuristic still life. A Mediterranean-style delicacy, a luxurious spectacle – the dish itself decorates the table. Wine or champagne will emphasize the unique taste of shrimp in combination with grapes. Nothing complicated, the main thing is to make the canapes “stand”. The secret lies in the recipe.
In our vast post-Soviet space, there are dishes that everyone knows from Kaliningrad to Nakhodka, from Franz Josef Land to Kushka. Mimosa salad is one of them. And each hostess prepares it in her own way. I will offer my own version. It seems to be a classic, but with some nuances. And the main nuance is that I don’t use canned fish, I use baked fish!!! And we offer you a presentation option – elegant, festive, in the form of a canape.
Complete hooliganism!!! Potato pie, fried chicken, shrimp, daikon with cucumbers, grated carrots in Korean, quail eggs and turkey pastrami, as well as traditional greens and kvass!!!
Everyone knows that fish is a staple in Norway. And so I wanted to try some of their traditional dish. Right in order to plunge into this northern country. I didn’t have to look for a long time, this creamy soup pops up everywhere. I am sharing with you the recipe of this wonderful, delicious soup.
Very fragrant and delicious soup of oily fish with shrimp and squid. In combination with this mixture of rice and the most low-fat vegetables, the soup turns out to be very useful and easy to prepare!