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Canapes "Mimosa" Recipe
In our vast post-Soviet space, there are dishes that everyone knows from Kaliningrad to Nakhodka, from Franz Josef Land to Kushka. Mimosa salad is one of them. And each hostess prepares it in her own way. I will offer my own version. It seems to be a classic, but with some nuances. And the main nuance is that I don't use canned fish, I use baked fish!!! And we offer you a presentation option - elegant, festive, in the form of a canape.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
  1. You can use any fish - mackerel, pink salmon, salmon, herring. The main thing is that we will bake it!
    You can use any fish - mackerel, pink salmon, salmon, herring. The main thing is that we will bake it!
  2. To do this, prepare the marinade - mix 2 tablespoons of Teriyaki sauce, paprika and ground black pepper. Gut the fish, wash it, and this marinade will cover the fish from all sides.
    To do this, prepare the marinade - mix 2 tablespoons of Teriyaki sauce, paprika and ground black pepper. Gut the fish, wash it, and this marinade will cover the fish from all sides.
  3. Wrap it in foil and send it to bake in the oven. 180-190 degrees for about 25-30 minutes. We cool the finished fish in foil, without unwrapping, and with a fork we separate the fillets from the bones, chop the fillets with a fork.
    Wrap it in foil and send it to bake in the oven. 180-190 degrees for about 25-30 minutes. We cool the finished fish in foil, without unwrapping, and with a fork we separate the fillets from the bones, chop the fillets with a fork.
  4. Also wrap the potatoes in foil and send them to bake in the oven. Let cool in foil.
    Also wrap the potatoes in foil and send them to bake in the oven. Let cool in foil.
  5. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and fry in vegetable oil until tender, avoiding color changes (so that it does not brown). At the end, add a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar. Let cool.
    Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and fry in vegetable oil until tender, avoiding color changes (so that it does not brown). At the end, add a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar. Let cool.
  6. We'll need bread, a uniform, and a little patience. Use molds, cut out the base for the canapé from bread.
    We'll need bread, a uniform, and a little patience.
Use molds, cut out the base for the canapé from bread.
  7. Place the mold on a bread circle and lay it out in layers: * potatoes, grated on a coarse grater, mayonnaise * chopped green onions * chopped mackerel, mayonnaise * roasted carrots
    Place the mold on a bread circle and lay it out in layers:
* potatoes, grated on a coarse grater, mayonnaise
* chopped green onions
* chopped mackerel, mayonnaise
* roasted carrots
  8. Carrots do not need to be greased with sauce. Carefully remove the mold from the canape, put a circle of boiled egg on top.
    Carrots do not need to be greased with sauce. Carefully remove the mold from the canape, put a circle of boiled egg on top.
  9. And decorate. You can put a spoonful of caviar on an egg or, as I like, decorate with shrimp and olives.
    And decorate. You can put a spoonful of caviar on an egg or, as I like, decorate with shrimp and olives.
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