Croissants Recipe


Yes, it’s croissants again. Wonderful, fragrant and incredibly delicious homemade cakes! Today we will bake puff pastry. Preparing such a dough takes time and effort, but the effort is more than repaid by the taste of the finished product! Crispy crust and weightless puff crumb! There will be a lot of step-by-step instructions, I tried to show the whole process from kneading the dough to baking croissants in as much detail as possible.

Layered Rice Recipe


The original rice cooked according to this recipe claims to be an independent dish, and if you want to eat more, it will be great to combine it with chicken, meat, fish, sausages. The appetizing smell of mushrooms and a pleasant creamy note of cheese will pleasantly surprise you with a rich aroma and bright taste.

Pies with Venison and Green Onions Recipe


There are many ways of making pies, and they all differ in the way of making dough, filling and molding. Today I propose to cook meat cutlets stuffed with venison meat with juicy green onions. Of course, a lot of butter, of course, a lot of calories, but it’s so delicious! And when you have hot pies in your hands with a fragrant filling inside and a crispy crust…