Delicious vegetable salad, perfectly replaces dinner. Helps to improve the figure, contains a lot of vitamins and other useful things! It is very tasty with coarse rye bread, but can be served with meat and poultry.
I found a great recipe on the Internet! With liver and bread, egg omelet! And with you, friends, I want to share! And maybe someone else will come in handy!
I forgot about the classic cutlets in a frying pan, having tried this miracle (I tried it in the Crimea, begged for a recipe). They are prepared quickly, the taste is very delicate, and even what beautiful ones!!!
Here comes the season of fresh, fragrant, summer vegetables! So why not make something out of it!? I present to your attention an excellent recipe for baked vegetables! Everything is fast, simple, and very tasty! Young potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes, with the aroma of smoke! You’ll lick your fingers!
Pizza Toskana. The first pizza was made in Naples in 1552. This year, the first tomatoes were brought to Europe. This dish was immediately liked by the wife of the King of Italy, Margaret of Savoy. One of the most famous pizzas was named in her honor. Cooked Italian pizza at home is no different from the original. Italian pizza has a huge number of options (about 200). What inventive pizzaioles don’t put in there. This is the name given in Italy to the people who prepare this dish.
Dorada is a very tasty fish, the meat is dense, sweet, and there are almost no bones. Therefore, it is not difficult to prepare it at all and the result is excellent. I suggest you try dorada according to this recipe. It turns out very fragrant and delicious.
Flounder-one of the favorite fish in our family, to complement it with a side dish is not always desirable, especially in the summer. But tomatoes are very useful for it, they are perfectly combined both to taste and when serving. Help yourself.