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Warm Pea Salad Recipe
Green salad is usually served raw, but it is delicious both from the grill and steamed in oil. In this dish, it adds crunch and goes well with other vegetables. The salad is wonderful as a light dinner or side dish.
Cook Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
  1. Wash the green onions and cut them into thin rings. Put together with the peas and water in a saucepan or saucepan and simmer over low heat, stirring, until the peas are ready. It takes just a few minutes.
    Wash the green onions and cut them into thin rings. Put together with the peas and water in a saucepan or saucepan and simmer over low heat, stirring, until the peas are ready. It takes just a few minutes.
  2. Wash the lettuce leaves, dry it and chop it not too thinly. Add to a saucepan and, stirring, let it simmer for half a minute or a minute. The salad should partially soften, and partially remain crispy. If you use Peking cabbage, then start cooking it at the same time as the peas.
    Wash the lettuce leaves, dry it and chop it not too thinly. Add to a saucepan and, stirring, let it simmer for half a minute or a minute. The salad should partially soften, and partially remain crispy.
If you use Peking cabbage, then start cooking it at the same time as the peas.
  3. Remove from the heat, add the butter and stir it into the juice from the vegetables, so you get a light sauce-emulsion. Season the dish with salt and pepper, sprinkle with fresh lemon juice and serve immediately.
    Remove from the heat, add the butter and stir it into the juice from the vegetables, so you get a light sauce-emulsion. Season the dish with salt and pepper, sprinkle with fresh lemon juice and serve immediately.
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