Swedish Night Bread without Kneading Recipe


For a long time, this recipe was in my queue for cooking, for some reason it was postponed. But X-Day came, and I baked it. Tender and nostrils crumb, crispy crust, seeds – we liked everything! And this is very important – do not knead anything – just mixed the ingredients, put them in a mold and put them in the refrigerator overnight, in the morning took out the mold – in the oven – turned on the oven and after 40 minutes bread is on the table! Try it?

Australian Vegetable Bread Recipe


Eating this bread is a pleasure! Cooking it is just a pleasure! The combination of colors, smells, tastes, shapes, textures is simply bliss for the cook. As a result, you get a real treasure box (when YOU cut it out yourself, you will understand what I mean). Do you think it’s hard to cook? Nothing like that!!! It’s very simple, try it, and you’ll get even better than me. By the way, this bread will be a great gift to your friends and family. Let’s surprise them.