Indian Tea Recipe


Under this name, the recipe for this tea was published in a culinary magazine. The man wrote how this tea helped him to become cheerful and energetic)) The recipe reminded me of masala tea, but the cooking method is a little different. In general, I decided to try it, and I liked it! Tea is really invigorating, and since I don’t drink coffee, in the morning it is a very good alternative to coffee, and much more useful.

Buckwheat without Cooking Recipe


A simple recipe for making perfectly crumbly buckwheat porridge. Delicious and healthy breakfast – buckwheat porridge with milk, a versatile side dish of buckwheat or buckwheat porridge with vegetables. In any case, buckwheat will turn out whole, crumbly and just very tasty! The cooking time is indicated without taking into account the soaking time.

Eggs Stuffed with Apple Salad Recipe


Undoubtedly, stuffed eggs are a universal snack. She helps out the hostess in the situation of “guests on the doorstep”, and with some shortage of food, and with little culinary experience. Boil, slice, stuff, lightly decorate – what could be easier? And so delicious! Try a light and fresh filling.