Terrine “Golden Fleece” Recipe


Our filling gets a bright golden color, thanks to the pumpkin… after all, it gives any dish a rich sunny shade and a piquant, sweet taste, enriching it with a lot of useful substances and allowing us in any… even the rainiest and darkest autumn day to see the real sun on your table. Terrine, which has a delicate and unusual taste, is quite suitable for both a festive table and a quiet family dinner. Spicy sweetness of pumpkin, juicy tenderness of turkey, fried mushrooms… in a cloud of spices and light beer.

Wielkopolska Gsic Recipe


Grzic is a delicious aromatic and refreshing snack of fresh cottage cheese and vegetables, which is usually served with boiled or baked potatoes. The dish is called – piri with gzich. In Poland, grzic is also often served on rye bread in the form of a regular sandwich.

Polish Ribs Recipe


Traveling by car, we always cross Poland, trying to get acquainted with the country and cuisine. And we really like the cuisine – simple, hearty, inexpensive! At home, I tried to cook similar ribs several times, but something didn’t work out, then I had to resort to the help of a girl I know from another forum and who lives in Poland. Now the ribs turn out very similar!