Delicious cabbage pie with minced meat and mushrooms, which can be cooked in a frying pan. The pie didn’t spread at all, it turned over perfectly and was easily cut!
This is the most favorite vegetable recipe. This is not even a recipe – only 3 components, rather, a cooking method. And so everything is simple, and there is not much to write about.
Celebrate the year of the yellow monkey and prepare these wonderful piglets. The filling can be for every taste, the main thing is the idea. I want to assure you – this filling is very tasty and you will like it. It is prepared very quickly, and a wonderful snack is on your table.
There must be light vegetable salads on the New Year’s table, because heavy, high-calorie, fatty dishes are usually enough. I offer you a light “green” salad that will remind you of summer on New Year’s Eve.
Of course, refined, multicomponent salads are very good, but sometimes you want something simple, not taking a lot of time and effort, but extremely tasty. This salad just belongs to this category. I highly recommend everyone to try it!
In cold weather, you especially want home warmth and comfort. Treat your loved ones with a magnificent gratin! A good dinner will warm and cheer you up, and you will remember the taste of this dish for several days.