Dietary Terrine for the Holiday Table Recipe


Everyone loves holidays! It’s fun, and laughter, and a delicious elegant table with all kinds of snacks. But, unfortunately, sometimes it happens that with a festive table you can only eat potatoes and cucumber. And how do you want something that can’t be for one reason or another. Why don’t we prepare a festive terrine that can be consumed by nursing mothers, and the sick, and forever losing weight? Maybe the terrine is not too fancy, so we decorate it the way we want. But it’s delicious and more tender!!!

Terrine with Persimmon “Festive” Recipe


Persimmon is called a core apple, as well as Chinese peach and date plum. It is very difficult to find it in summer, but in winter – in almost all stores. The orange overseas guest is loved by Russians no less than traditional New Year’s tangerines. This fruit is suitable for desserts, as well as for meat, liver and fish. And today I offer you a very unusual dish with persimmon. I called him Terrine, although that’s probably not quite right. So be it. This dish can be considered dietary, an excellent substitute for any slicing and sausages on your festive table. And to cook this dish is quite simple. I offer you two recipes in one.

Terrine of Two types of Chicken Recipe


Now the promised dish with chicken terrine for the ladies. However, men are also unlikely to give up on it. The recipe is mobile and allows you to vary it at your discretion. That’s why I love you. My cooking of this dish often goes under the motto “I made it from what it was.” And it’s done quickly.” In general, that’s what you need.