Low-Carb Gluten-Free Carrot Cake Recipe


I admit right away, I’m not a fan of carrot cakes. I’m an incorrigible chocolatier! But this is my husband’s favorite cake, so I decided to make it, and I did not regret it. Since I currently adhere to a low-carb diet, and sometimes I still want sweet things, recipes like this wonderful carrot cake, or cake – as you like (in English, cake – cake) come to the rescue. One slice contains only 5 grams of carbohydrates, and not a gram of wheat flour or sugar. Try it, it’s delicious!

Nut Bars with Chocolate Recipe


Of course, it’s very high in calories, but what a magical taste these bars have! But you can’t always deny yourself and your loved one such things! You can, sometimes you can, but little by little! A delicate sandy base with cinnamon and vanilla flavor, pink crunchy nuts and two types of delicate chocolate! If you bake them for a sweet gift, don’t try it! They are so delicious that you may not want to share them.

Christmas Cottage Cheese Non-Yeast Cupcake Recipe


I love Christmas pastries for their flavor, for the fact that they can be baked in advance, and also they are perfect as a gift. You can start right now, so don’t put it off until later. From the resulting amount of ingredients, we will get 1 cupcake weighing 700-750 g and measuring 9 * 20 cm. But I cook a double portion at once, so we never limit ourselves to one.