Quick Ratatouille Recipe


Ratatouille is a popular vegetable dish of Provencal cuisine. The classic ratatouille is prepared a little bit on purpose and you need to spend half a day at the stove. I offer a simplified, but no less delicious version of this bright, fragrant and healthy dish. In addition, the dish is universal. It can be served as a hot appetizer, main course or as a cold appetizer.

Goulash Recipe


So again it’s time to warm up thick soups. From the name it is clear that the soup originated in Hungary, with its ubiquitous paprika, and then smoothly “flowed” to neighboring countries and became the famous Czech soup, which is sometimes served in a bread “plate”. Soup with a very bright taste and wonderful aroma of meat, paprika, tomatoes and garlic, thick and hearty, can replace a whole lunch, and you can have dinner with this soup. I recommend it!

Moroccan Tomato Soup Recipe


So autumn has come into its own. The street is getting fresher day by day. Still, of course, not winter frosts, but absolutely winter, saturated, thick, hearty soups so far, it seems, I don’t really want. But I want something light, but, nevertheless, warming. That’s where ginger and hot pepper will come to our aid. Delicate consistency, slightly spicy, this soup will perfectly warm and surprise with unusual flavor combinations. To make this soup, it is better to use sweet pink tomatoes or other, but not necessarily meaty varieties. Honey and lime in the composition is a good prevention of colds.

Eastern Caviar from Baked Eggplant Recipe


I’ve always loved eggplant caviar, it’s right from childhood). When eggplant season comes, the first thing I cook is eggplant caviar. I know several recipes for this overseas snack). Today I propose to cook “Oriental Aviar”. Perhaps you may ask – why “oriental caviar”? Because it was in the East that eggplants were first baked, and then finely mixed with lemon juice and sesame paste. According to the same recipe, caviar is prepared with fresh vegetables, without excess butter, which is perfectly combined with a piece of white fragrant bread. It seems to me that this is the perfect snack and a great snack!