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Crab Sticks on the Grill Recipe
I want to offer you to cook crab sticks on coals. The recipe is very simple and, perhaps, is not new for someone. We cook chopsticks so often when we fry shish kebab. The sauce inside gives juiciness and piquancy. A great snack both hot and cold!
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
  1. For the sauce, mix mayonnaise (about 1 tsp.), Dijon mustard, ground black pepper and lemon juice.
    For the sauce, mix mayonnaise (about 1 tsp.), Dijon mustard, ground black pepper and lemon juice.
  2. Carefully unwrap the crab stick.
    Carefully unwrap the crab stick.
  3. Brush with 1 tsp of sauce, sprinkle with a pinch of vegetable seasoning.
    Brush with 1 tsp of sauce, sprinkle with a pinch of vegetable seasoning.
  4. For a change, you can also sprinkle with herbs.
    For a change, you can also sprinkle with herbs.
  5. Lubricate the bullet on both sides with vegetable oil. The grill grate should also be oiled.
    Lubricate the bullet on both sides with vegetable oil. The grill grate should also be oiled.
  6. Continue to twist the rolls to the starting position.
    Continue to twist the rolls to the starting position.
  7. Place the crab sticks on the grill. We will fry together with sausages.
    Place the crab sticks on the grill.
We will fry together with sausages.
  8. Ready!
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