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Salad with Ham Recipe
Salad is a good alternative to the usual Olivier. No less delicious, but a little lighter, with a more delicate structure. The recipe comes from Poland and the Czech Republic, there are several options, for example, with pickles. I liked this one. In order for the dish to turn out right, the main thing in the recipe is to use fragrant meat and peas of good quality.
Cook Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
  1. Prepare the ingredients. Wash the cucumber and greens.
    Prepare the ingredients. Wash the cucumber and greens.
  2. Boil potatoes in a uniform in salted water. Do not boil it, it should keep its shape in the salad.
    Boil potatoes in a uniform in salted water. Do not boil it, it should keep its shape in the salad.
  3. Cut the cucumber into short strips.
    Cut the cucumber into short strips.
  4. Also cut the carbonade. You can also take ham.
    Also cut the carbonade. You can also take ham.
  5. Mix cucumber and carbonade. Add 2/3 cans of canned peas.
    Mix cucumber and carbonade. Add 2/3 cans of canned peas.
  6. Add the cooled and sliced potatoes.
    Add the cooled and sliced potatoes.
  7. Season with mayonnaise, pepper and salt to taste.
    Season with mayonnaise, pepper and salt to taste.
  8. The salad is ready. You can serve it in a salad bowl or in portions. Garnish with lettuce leaves or parsley.
    The salad is ready. You can serve it in a salad bowl or in portions. Garnish with lettuce leaves or parsley.
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