Snack Egg Roll Recipe


Today I came to you with the idea of a roll, and not a simple one, but as a snack. And not just a snack, but an egg one. Light and airy, informative and bright, it can not only diversify, but also decorate a festive table.

Creamy Scrambled Eggs for a Celebratory Breakfast Recipe


As you know, we have been carefully preparing for the New Year holidays and are preparing products, including preservation, which we do not have in the house. And this is usually corn, green peas. We cook salads, open cans, and then there’s a little bit of everything left in the cans. I offer a delicious, beautiful and hearty breakfast – a creamy omelet with vegetables: green peas, corn, garlic arrows, tomatoes, herbs and pieces of boiled meat. Not troublesome, fast and with excellent results.

Pancakes with Zucchini Caviar Recipe


Such pancakes can be considered snacks, they can be served for breakfast and dinner. Just now there was half a can of zucchini caviar in the refrigerator, and we are looking for a use for it. I don’t want to make toasts! Let’s make great pancakes that you can serve as a snack, or you can just eat for breakfast or dinner. The New Year holidays are so long. For pancakes, I will prepare sour cream-garlic sauce with herbs. It will perfectly complement a dish or just a snack.

Snack Buns with Filling Recipe


The filling that is used in this recipe can be called universal. It can be used for greasing pita bread, filling profiteroles, decorating crackers, filling tartlets or just eating with a spoon)). Well, guns are generally a fairy tale, they cook quickly, they are also eaten)))

Buns with Apples Recipe


Like everything New Year’s, baking seems to be the most magical, fragrant, festive. This is not inferior to anything, except that only Easter cakes. I suggest you please your guests with a tea party with these buns. I guarantee they’ll like it.

Slovak Festive Plait Recipe


Today I will treat you to a Slovak holiday basket, which is being prepared for Christmas and New Year. In Slovak, Christmas is called Vianoche, so the planet is called Vianochka. They eat a bath not only with butter, honey, tea and coffee, but also with smoked meats, ham and sausage. As you like, Vianoche is present on every table. There is a large selection in stores, but real housewives, of course, bake themselves, and each has its own recipe! I offer you the recipe that I liked the most.