This dish is from the Zaporozhye Cossacks, and maybe from the Hungarian porridge from millet keles, definitely – it is hearty and delicious. The main components of kulesh are cereals and lard, it is prepared even from the white part of the river cattail. The porridge should be thick so that “grain by grain did not run with a stick.”
Tortilla is one of the most popular Spanish dishes. It is served in almost all restaurants and tapas bars as a snack, filling for sandwiches or as an independent dish (with tomato bread). It’s amazing how three very inexpensive main ingredients – potatoes, onions and eggs – combine to make such a delicious and satisfying dish. And if you add a layer of cheese and ham, it will sparkle with new taste qualities and delight your guests. A great option for those who spent the new year and plan to set the table on a budget for Christmas and old New year.
I came across several recipes for this Spanish casserole on the Internet. All the options were different, but I combined together the ideas I particularly liked. It turned out extremely tasty. I will not say that all the nuances of Spanish cuisine are observed, because I am not a good connoisseur of it, so do not judge strictly and help yourself. This is a wonderful weekend breakfast!
It was necessary to pamper your loved ones with a delicious breakfast. That’s how I handled it. It turned out very tasty! A tortilla is a Spanish dish similar to an omelette with various additives, and cut it into pieces like a pie.
The zucchini season is in full swing. I offer you a very light and delicious dish – a zucchini tortilla (I eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner). In most Spanish-speaking countries, a tortilla is any omelet with vegetables, served hot or cold, sometimes as a snack.
This is a traditional dish that you will most likely be offered to try in any institution in Spain. Delicious and hearty croquettes with a crispy crust.
Gratin is any sweet or unsweetened dish baked until an appetizing crust forms. I suggest you cook gratin in a slow cooker. Vegetables in the cooking process should fall apart, and be filled with each other’s flavors.