Hot Sandwich with Minced Meat Recipe


I offer another option for a delicious, very hearty breakfast. Even when my girlfriend and I were at school, her mom cooked hot sandwiches with minced meat – it was mega-delicious! I have slightly complicated a simple recipe – it turned out just wonderful! Crispy bread, tender yolk and juicy minced meat – this breakfast sets you up for a wonderful day!

Crispy Salad with Tomatoes and Crab Sticks Recipe


It just amazed me – because the ingredients are familiar and affordable, and the taste is simply amazing! And juicy, and bright, and crunchy! When we were students, we rarely went to a cafe to eat salads – usually the rule was that you need to eat right at home so that you have enough money for everything else. We all liked the salad, so far no holiday goes without it! I would really like you to try it too!

Barbecue Pork Ribs Recipe


Why do we marinate barbecue meat? Personally, I have two reasons – to make the cooked meat soft, very tasty and tender and to discover new tastes and get fresh impressions (well, I am very curious by nature). They do not like acidic components in the marinade, such as vinegar, lemon juice (the acids contained in the marinade components change the structure of meat and destroy connective tissue cells), so they are always on the lookout for new components. Well, why not try the Coca-Cola marinade?!