Jamie Oliver’s delicious dish. Pasta with delicious vegetables and meatballs will not leave anyone indifferent. However, meatballs are my addition, but it only adds flavor.
Those who cook the “right” sauce for Caesar salad at home often have a jar of anchovies standing idle after that. I once had the same thing, until I was puzzled by the question of what else I could cook with them, until I found this recipe for Italian cuisine in one of the cookbooks. Today I want to share this with you. Maybe you will like it as much as I do, and you will already be buying anchovies not only for salad.
Pasta with cheese and meat is a very simple and delicious dish that both adults and children love. This fragrant dish will not leave aside even the most fastidious children.
I really wanted to cook something fast and delicious. And at the same time, do not dirty a mountain of dishes, do not run after a bunch of products. Well, for once we had a snack, and it turned out to be a very decent pleasant dinner, which I want to repeat.
Despite the fact that there are many soups in Russian cuisine, you can also find many recipes of Korean cuisine. This dish is loved by many. Today I propose to get acquainted with another option, it will not be difficult to cook cookies at home. To heal.
Casserole with pasta, eggplant sauce, meatballs. Lasagna-based casserole. With pasta, meat meatballs and Hungarian saute with eggplant. We will please our guests, treat them to delicious and beautiful food.
Almost Julien, you might say. Only I added small pasta of hard varieties to the bottom of the coconut chips before laying out the components of Julienne. Also, instead of chicken meat, I used a ready-made turkey roll. A wonderful snack or just serve instead of hot on the New Year’s table at the very beginning of the festive dinner.
In this recipe, I liked the quick cooking and the combination of products! I suggest you try it, because pasta is a great source of carbohydrates, and B vitamins help to cope with stress!