Sunny Italy rules on my table today! I love Italian cuisine, which, by the way, is very similar to Greek! I saw the recipe on the Internet, I wanted to cook and share this wonderful recipe with you. And for a couple of “Tuscan soup with minced meat” there will be “Bread crumbs – mother-in-law’s tongue”.
Salted, spicy or pickled herring is one of the most democratic and at the same time delicious dishes. It will always make a great snack. Together with black bread and cucumbers, herring is considered a classic snack, and with boiled potatoes – one of the most popular dishes.
Crispy, hot French fries. How delicious it is! Cook it at home and serve it with a fragrant homemade burger. Homemade fast food is much more useful than purchased.
Usually there are a lot of meat dishes on the festive table, so I always cook such a simple salad without meat with vegetables and eggs. Despite the simplicity, it turns out very tasty and satisfying.
I suggest you cook a delicious bright hearty salad, in which all the ingredients complement each other very harmoniously!!! In addition, this salad is suitable for observing the Christmas fast.
The options for cooking chicken with potatoes can be listed endlessly. You will spend a minimum of time on this recipe and, while everything is in the oven, you will be able to prepare other dishes, or do household chores, or just relax after a hard day. At the same time, you will get a full lunch or dinner. A wonderful, very simple recipe that will always help you out. And the result will please – an extremely tasty, juicy, tender and fragrant dish. Chicken and potatoes just melt in your mouth. Be sure to try this!
For all its simplicity, this dish can perfectly decorate a festive table, and emotions and impressions will go off scale. The recipe is very simple, the main thing is a good marinade, and the oven will do the rest for you.
I present to your attention an elegant potato gratin with beetroot for the New Year’s table! Thanks to an additional layer of beetroot, the dish is not as difficult to digest as an ordinary French gratin. And when they found out that beetroot was in the composition, the children looked at the new dish with apprehension, however, after trying a piece, they asked for additives, which I was pleasantly surprised at)